CONSTRUCTION UPDATE:10/28/2011 By Katie McCamant

November 9, 2011


Early morning pour

October’s biggest excitement occurred on the day the construction crew began pouring the concrete top of the parking garage (the podium), which is also the floor of the first floor units on the McKnigtht side of Wolf Creek Lodge Cohousing. They started early (at 3 am!) because there are no cold joints in the podium, so it all has to go down at once, all 273 cubic yards!  It was all wrapping up by the time I went back at just after 8 am, but Chuck Durrett (the Lodge’s architect) went over about 5 am because he couldn’t sleep.
The pour happened on Thursday. Friday they pulled the forms, and on Saturday-the day of our general meeting-the Lodge members whose homes are on the 1st floor of the West wing were able to check out the floor space of their units. For the first time they really knew where their homes would be.



After the pourMembers looking at their homes

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