Live Webinar

March 2, 2012

On Wednesday, March 7th at 7:00 p.m. members of Wolf Creek Lodge will conduct a live webinar.

We will email you a link to a presentation viewable on your computer and a phone number that will allow you to dial in and hear the presentation and ask questions.
Your hosts are Bob and Claire Miller and Dick Shannon. You can view their bios here.

We will talk about the concept of cohousing and senior cohousing in particular.  We will describe Wolf Creek Lodge explaining it’s unique location and the architectural features that are appropriate to senior cohousing and sustainable living.

Please join us; we are looking forward to it.

To participate send an email to with “Live Webinar” in the subject field.

Alternatively you can hear a recording of a webiner here but we really hope you will be able to join us for the live one.

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